Thursday, August 20, 2009

DRUID: Moonfire/Lifebloom Macros (modifier+mouseover)

Tooltip shows Moonfire when shift is held down, otherwise shows Lifebloom.
1. Holding Shift will cast Moonfire normally.
2. If Shift is NOT held it will try to cast Lifebloom on the target your mouse is over IF it's alive and helpable.
3. Finally if Shift is NOT held it just casts Lifebloom normally.
/cast [mod:shift] Moonfire; [target=mouseover,help,nodead] Lifebloom; Lifebloom;

Tooltip shows Moonfire when shift is held down, otherwise shows Lifebloom.
1. Holding Shift will try and cast Moonfire on the target your mouse is over IF it's alive and harmable.
2. Otherwise holding Shift will cast Moonfire normally.
3. If Shift is NOT held it will try to cast Lifebloom on the target your mouse is over IF it's alive and helpable.
4. Finally if Shift is NOT held it just casts Lifebloom normally.
/cast [mod:shift,target=mouseover,harm,nodead] Moonfire; [mod:shift] Moonfire; [target=mouseover,help,nodead] Lifebloom; Lifebloom

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