Sunday, August 23, 2009

WoW Inventory Slot Numbers

This is a full list of WoW inventory slots with their inventory slot number (SlotID), and corresponding GetInventorySlotInfo name.

SlotID GetInventorySlotInfo()
0 = AmmoSlot
1 = HeadSlot
2 = NeckSlot
3 = ShoulderSlot
4 = ShirtSlot
5 = ChestSlot
6 = WaistSlot
7 = LegsSlot
8 = FeetSlot
9 = WristSlot
10 = HandsSlot
11 = Finger0Slot (top one)
12 = Finger1Slot (bottom one)
13 = Trinket0Slot (top one)
14 = Trinket1Slot (bottom one)
15 = BackSlot
16 = MainHandSlot
17 = SecondaryHandSlot
18 = RangedSlot
19 = TabardSlot
20 = Bag0Slot (first bag the rightmost)
21 = Bag1Slot
22 = Bag2Slot
23 = Bag3Slot (4th bag the leftmost)

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